Cafe Collab was an event that Natalie Blaustone-Dye and I created where we set up a milkshake stand and were asking viewers to participate in an exchange. The exchange was their time for a milkshake and what we asked was that they created something out of clay in the time it took us to make that milkshake for them. Then they could place their ceramic piece on the pedestal to be a part of a collaborative monument for the weekend. The goals of this piece were to facilitate making an outdoor art monument created by the public, critique the dominate culture of mastery in ceramics, bring in a nontraditional crowd of people into an art setting, and dispense with commodity of art objects. Cafe Collab rather then being an art object was a generator of exchange and art making at the hands of public participators.

Cafe Collab

Natalie Blaustone-Dye & MaryAnne Carey

Clay, mixed media & performance. 

California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Arts (CCACA), Davis, CA.
